Celebrating our alumni and faculty

A photo collage of Faculty Alumni Award recipients
2021 Faculty Alumni Award recipients. Top row (left to right): Lowell Mohler, Mary Beth Marrs, William Baker, Mary Sue Beck. Center: Botswana Toney Blackburn, John Walter Clark, D Cornelison, Cooper Drury. Bottom: Alexander Garza, Sandra Whayne Gautt, Noah Heringman, Yong Volz.

This afternoon, I’ll join the Mizzou Alumni Association in honoring incredible members of the university community with our annual Faculty Alumni Awards.

Since 1968, these awards have allowed us to highlight exceptional individuals and their distinguished contributions to Mizzou’s education, research and outreach missions. This year, we’re proud to recognize 12 Tigers (six faculty and six alumni) who exemplify the Mizzou spirit and elevate this university with their dedication, talent, perseverance and support.

Their contributions to our flagship institution, to our scholars, to the citizens of Missouri and the world, are an inspiration. I want to thank them for their service to the University of Missouri and congratulate them on this well-deserved award.

— Mun