Golden Gala spotlights Missouri film, Broadway star Ginger Rogers

(Center) President Choi and Dr. Jung Ha-Brookshire, TAM department chair, with students who designed and modeled clothes based on the Ginger Rogers Collection. (Far right) Nicole Johnston, curator of the Ginger Rogers Collection. (Right, in turquoise jacket) Roberta Olden, personal assistant to Ginger Rogers.

I joined Board Chair Robin Wenneker and members of the Mizzou community for a special Golden Gala honoring the life and fashion of film star – and Missouri native – Ginger Rogers.

Hosted by A&S, the gala was the culmination of an entire “Day of Ginger,” highlighting the Missouri Historic Costume & Textile Collection (MHCTC) and their new exhibition of Ginger Rogers’ distinctive costumes. The MHCTC, housed in the Department of Textile and Apparel Management (TAM), has an incredible collection of clothing and other items from Ginger’s long career on the screen and stage.

The gala was a throwback to the Golden Age of Hollywood and featured live music as well as performances by the Mizzou Ballroom Dance Club. Eight TAM students also showed their own pieces that were inspired by apparel from the collection.

Marge Padgitt, former owner and director of the Owens-Rogers House in Independence, Mo., as well as Roberta Olden, Ginger Rogers’ personal assistant, donated all items in the exhibition. We’re grateful for their trust and proud to share these historic objects with a new generation.

The MHCTC makes world-class research readily available to the Mizzou community as well as scholars from across the nation and world. I enjoyed celebrating the life of a notable Missourian and seeing the incredible creativity of our students.

— Mun