Illustrating ‘Indigenous Brilliance’

A photo of Joseph Erb with us son in front of the artwork he created.
Erb with his son, ᎠᎹᏱ (Amayi) Lewis-Erb in front of the work. Amayi inspired one of the images in the piece (photo courtesy of Joseph Erb).

I recently ran into Joseph Erb, an assistant professor in the School of Visual Studies, on Francis Quadrangle. I had not seen him in person due to the pandemic. We connected about family and work and he shared his art project that is featured in the new First Americans Museum. 

The artwork, titled “Indigenous Brilliance,” is a digital illustration on copper panels spanning two stories. It references historical events as well as Native contributions in agriculture, astronomy and civil societies.  

The piece is a permanent installation at the First Americans Museum, one of the largest Indigenous museums in the United States. 

I can’t wait to visit Oklahoma City to see the artwork in person.

— Mun