Teaching excellence

A photo of President Choi at the William T. Kemper Fellowships plaque celebration.
President Choi offering remarks at the William T. Kemper Fellowships plaque celebration in Jesse Hall.

I want to congratulate our 2020 and 2021 Kemper Fellows once again. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to celebrate these individuals on the second floor of Jesse Hall as we changed out the honorary Kemper Fellows plaques for this academic year. It was wonderful to come together in-person and recognize the incredible teaching and scholarship these Fellows generate at our institution.

Teaching excellence is the heart of our university’s mission. For 30 years, the William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, supported by the Kemper Foundation through Commerce Bank, has recognized faculty members who go above and beyond to serve our students and enliven the classroom. I am so grateful for the hard work and commitment of all our Fellows, and for the stewardship our faculty continue to provide for our students, our university and our broader community year after year.

— Mun