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Dear Mizzou Community,
As we get closer to the holiday season, we can’t thank everyone enough for their hard work and perseverance over the last several months as we continue to battle the COVID pandemic together. Your work and cooperation with our new policies have allowed us to maintain in-person classes and regular operations while limiting the number of active cases within our student body. Currently, our active case load has fallen nearly 90% from its peak in early September.
Based on your diligent efforts, guidance from our public health officials, and the data we have been tracking, we will continue our in-person and hybrid classes after the Thanksgiving break. Courses that are currently scheduled to meet face-to-face after the Thanksgiving break will continue to do so, and final examinations currently scheduled to be conducted in-person will remain in that format.
Several factors contributed to this decision, including:
• | How well our campus community continues to comply with the pandemic protocols of social distancing and face coverings; |
• | The internet challenges many students would face if they were required to complete their last two weeks of studies away from campus; |
• | Financial challenges for students who would not be able to work on-campus or other part-time jobs. |
We are making plans to encourage students to stay in town during Thanksgiving break so they can avoid traveling if they so choose. Some of those include providing meals in and around the holiday, as well as activities for those who choose to avoid the potential risks to their families and themselves brought by travelling and gatherings.
As always, we will continue to monitor the pandemic and its impact on our campus and the broader community and will make any necessary changes as quickly as possible.
Thank you for all you do to keep MU safe.
Mun Y. Choi, Ph.D.
President, University of Missouri System
Chancellor, University of Missouri
Latha Ramchand, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of Missouri