Sustainable Path Forward to Achieve Excellence for All

Dear Campus Community,

Achieving excellence for all is at the core of the University of Missouri’s mission. Our students, faculty and staff encompass a wide array of backgrounds, experiences and perspectives, including first-generation, rural, and international students; individuals from under-represented groups; veterans; people with different abilities; and many others. An inclusive environment promotes respectful debate that explores differing perspectives about complex topics – intellectual pluralism – and enables all of us to achieve the excellence we seek in teaching and learning, research and engagement. And clearly, in striving for an inclusive university, we must not exclude (or give impressions that we are excluding) individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives.

During the past week, Dr. Maurice Gipson and I met with the Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (IDE) staff as well as leaders of student organizations, Faculty Council, Staff Council, faculty & staff organizations, and alumni & donor groups. These meetings were held to discuss the proactive and sustainable changes needed to ensure all students, faculty and staff are welcomed, valued and provided the opportunities to succeed.

These meetings also included discussions surrounding national developments affecting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs. Over the past two years, universities across the country have been making major changes to DEI divisions in response to legislative mandates. To date, 28 states have introduced DEI legislation – in 14 states those bills have become law. At some flagship universities, entire DEI divisions were eliminated resulting in many staff layoffs.

In the Missouri Legislature, 13 pieces of DEI legislation were introduced during the past two years. Our proactive responses played a role in averting the passage of these bills. These responses included the elimination of diversity hiring statements; the ending of race-conscious admissions and scholarships; and ensuring that inclusion means inclusion for all.

This is a defining period for the University of Missouri, and we must make proactive changes for a sustainable path forward to achieve excellence for all. The path forward must ensure that all students, faculty and staff are welcomed, valued and provided opportunities to succeed. With input from Vice Chancellor Gipson, university leaders and various stakeholders, we developed a sustainable plan to achieve this objective.

On August 15, 2024, the Vice Chancellor’s direct reports will have new reporting lines as detailed below. This change aligns these departments most closely with their constituents where they will continue to provide important services for students, faculty and staff as part of a comprehensive team.

  • Inclusive Engagement and Constituent Relations led by Ms. Erika Aaron will report to the Division of Student Affairs.
  • Access and Leadership Development led by Dr. NaTashua Davis will report to the Office of the Provost.
  • Inclusion and Strategic Initiatives led by Ms. Shruti Rana will report to the Office of the Provost.
  • Communications led by Ms. La Toya Stevens will report to the Division of Marketing and Communications.

These reorganization efforts will ensure that current staff members within these units will continue to serve students, faculty and staff. Support and success programs that were available before the reorganization will be available after the reorganization.

I thank you for your commitment to the University. Together, we will support the success of all students, faculty and staff.


Mun Y. Choi, Ph.D.

President, University of Missouri