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Dear Mizzou community,
Earlier today, President Choi and the four chancellors sent a note to all University of Missouri faculty and staff members that outlines new policies in light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
These policies set up a structure for the vast majority of our staff and faculty to work from home starting tomorrow, March 18. We remain committed to protecting the health and well-being of our entire community by trying to keep as many people off campus during this time as possible.
Employees: All employees should check with their supervisors who will identify those needed to fulfill duties that must be performed on-site.
Supervisors: We strongly encourage supervisors to identify any and all opportunities to work remotely. We understand that certain duties, including student-support operations and public safety, must be completed in person and on campus. However, if there are ways for job duties to be completed remotely, please transition as soon as possible. Supervisors should also have employees stay home who cannot telework and who are not filling duties that need to be performed in the near term. Over the coming days, reassignments and other arrangements can be made. Some individuals may be asked to return to campus at a later time to fulfill necessary duties.
As this situation continues to evolve, please be as flexible as possible during this extraordinary time. We continue to work with our public health partners to determine best practices. We do not know when campus will resume normal operations. In addition, we have taken the following actions to reduce campus operations and minimize the risk to our community during this period:
- The MU Student Center, Memorial Union, the MizzouRec Complex and the University Club are closed to the public.
- Residential Life is working to help students who have alternate living arrangements move as soon as possible.
- Operations staff are completing a thorough cleaning of buildings, disinfecting spaces throughout campus.
We have implemented our continuity of operations plan, and essential services such as Campus Dining, the Counseling Center and the Student Health Center will continue to operate, though procedures are being adapted to meet current CDC recommendations. Updates about affected services areposted online and will be changed as information is available.
All classes will continue to meet remotely through the end of the semester. Most of our courses have completed this transition, and we are encouraged by the early feedback we have received. The UM System’s “Keep Learning” page remains a great resource for those who are new to teaching and learning online.
We know a message like this can’t address every situation nor answer every question. Please work with school and division leaders to work through these decisions. And check MU Alert for the latest campus updates about COVID-19 and our ongoing response.
I also know that things have been moving quickly, and I am immensely grateful for the flexibility and strength I have seen across our community as we rise to meet this challenge. We will continue to move forward with compassion and innovation as we work to support every member of the Mizzou family.
Alexander N. Cartwright, PhD, Chancellor
Gary Ward, Vice Chancellor of Operations