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Updated on
April 28, 2020
Dear faculty and staff,
I’d like to clarify the university’s current operational status as adjustments are made to local and statewide social distancing measures.
The City of Columbia, Boone County and the state of Missouri recently extended directives and have relaxed some restrictions on non-essential businesses with changes in social distancing practices going into effect next week. These measures continue to advise most people to stay home when possible, and the schools will remain closed until the end of the semester.
At this time, the university continues to operate under a directive from President and Interim Chancellor Mun Choi that states no one may physically work on the Mizzou campus or in UM System offices unless they are requested to do so by an appropriate supervisor. We will continue under our current arrangement until further notice.
As classes remain online for the summer session, we are disinfecting the campus and making plans toward our return to in-person classes for the fall semester, as well as other potential contingency plans. We also are developing plans and new practices for when staff and faculty return to campus, which we expect will occur in phases and in consultation with public health officials and our own medical experts.
Thank you to everyone who has continued to work through this transition. We are hopeful for the continued decline of the virus and that our campus and our community can return to a “new normal” soon.
In the meantime, employees should continue to work from home unless otherwise directed by an appropriate supervisor.
For the latest campus updates regarding operations and other information, please check MU Alert, and coronavirus guidance and information is available from the CDC and Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
Thank you for all you do for our University.
Gary Ward
Vice Chancellor for Operations