Planning-Related Committees

Capital Financing Advisory Committee

The Capital Financing Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Chancellor on the financing options related to capital improvement on the campus as well provide input on the priorities for financing.

The Committee will advise on items including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Procedures and plans supportive of development of capital financing options that enhance the university’s ability to support its missions.
  • Prioritization for new capital fund allocation.
  • Prioritization of usage of existing resources allocated to capital.
  • Screening and prioritization of requests for funds, ensuring that appropriate departments of the University are consulted to avoid duplication of effort and appropriateness of the activity within the University’s missions.

More information about the Capital Financing Advisory Committee

Resource Allocation Model Committee

The Resource Allocation Committee will make recommendations to the Chancellor on the design and implementation of a new resource allocation model for the University. The Committee will advise through providing recommendations on items including, but not limited to, the following:

  • The guiding principles and processes for resource allocation.
  • Methods of covering overhead costs.
  • Key metrics that could be used in the allocation process with an eye to creating unit level incentives for moving the whole University forward.
  • How an allocation model can allow for resources to be accumulated for central strategic investment.
  • Best practice for handling of carry forward balances once the allocation model is in place.

More information about the Resource Allocation Model Committee

Task Force on Academic Program Analysis, Enhancement and Opportunities

The task force is charged with conducting a top-to-bottom analysis of all of MU academic programs, and eventually making recommendations regarding areas of future investment, potential consolidations, and in some cases, program discontinuance.

More information about the Task Force on Academic Program Analysis, Enhancement and Opportunities

Strategic Enrollment Management Committee

The Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Committee is charged with developing institutional strategic efforts and policy initiatives to advance our collective enrollment efforts. We will develop strategies to maximize student recruitment and student success efforts, market research, and institutional infrastructure. The overarching goal is to ensure a thriving post-secondary ecosystem for future and current Tigers, as well as alumni.

More information about the Strategic Enrollment Committee

MU Engagement Council

The MU Engagement Council brings together a core group of University leaders representing major colleges and divisions to bring greater focus and intentionality to the University’s current and emerging off-campus engagement initiatives. The Council will:

  • Identify existing off-campus, Missouri-based engagement programs, initiatives and activities and catalog them from across the University.
  • Facilitate coordination and communications for off-campus, Missouri-based engagement programs, initiatives and activities.
  • Develop and execute strategies to showcase the economic and public value impact of Missouri-based engagement programs to our state.
  • Create opportunities to connect university students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni with Missourians.
  • Imagine new and innovative approaches for engaging the university with the people of Missouri.