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Vice Chancellor for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Search
Finalist Candidate Presentations
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Zoom link
Monday, May 18, 2020
Zoom Link
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Zoom Link
9-10 a.m.
The national search for the University of Missouri’s next Vice Chancellor for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity has identified a pool of finalists. Please join us for virtual open forums and candidate presentations from our three finalist candidates.
Since its inception, the Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity has helped the university strengthen the role of inclusive excellence across our core missions of teaching, research and service. Guided by the goals articulated in our Inclusive Excellence Framework, MU remains committed to growing and sustaining an inclusive environment for every member of the Mizzou community and our guests. The next Vice Chancellor for IDE will help steward this important work across our university and our state. While the search committee has shepherded the critical work of finding high-quality candidates to further these efforts, we hope you will help us complete this important process.
The virtual open forums will follow this format:
- Each finalist candidate will be joined on screen by our committee co-chairs: Pat Okker, dean of the College of Arts and Science, and Michael Middleton, professor emeritus and former MU Deputy Chancellor and Interim UM System President.
- Each candidate will deliver a 15-minute presentation, which will be followed by a Q&A moderated by the co-chairs.
- To submit questions in advance and find additional details about this search process, please visit the search webpage.
- You can also submit questions during the forum via a chat function.
- Finally, and following each forum, we invite you to return to the search webpage to submit feedback on each candidate via a survey link.
The important work of inclusion, diversity and equity is the work of our entire campus, and we thank you in advance for your participation and continued dedication to Mizzou’s future.