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We are saddened and angered by the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend. As leaders in higher education, we share a common bond with the University of Virginia community. The University of Missouri condemns all acts of violence and racism, including those associated with ideologies of hate such as white supremacy and anti-Semitism. They have no place on our campus or in society. We affirm our commitment to our university’s core values of Respect, Responsibility, Discovery and Excellence.
We want to make it clear that we are committed to an inclusive environment. Your safety and success on this campus, in whatever you do, is important to us.
Alexander Cartwright, Chancellor
Garnett S. Stokes, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Gary Allen, UM Vice President Information Technology and MU Chief Information Officer
Jonathan Curtright, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer for MU Health Care
Ellen Eardley, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Civil Rights and Title IX
Rhonda Gibler, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Patty Haberberger, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Suzette Heiman, Interim Executive Director of Strategic Communications and Marketing
Tom Hiles, Vice Chancellor for Advancement and Alumni Relations
Christine Holt, Associate Provost
Todd McCubbin, Executive Director of the Mizzou Alumni Association
Kevin G. McDonald, UM Chief Diversity Officer and MU Vice Chancellor for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
Mark McIntosh, UM Vice President and MU Vice Chancellor of Research, Graduate Studies and Economic Development
Pelema Morrice, Vice Provost of Enrollment Management
Marty Oetting, Interim Chief of Staff
Jim Sterk, Director of Athletics
Marshall Stewart, Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement
Gary Ward, Vice Chancellor for Operations and Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
James Scott, Interim Vice Provost for International Programs
Mardy Eimers, Vice Provost for Institutional Research and Quality Improvement
Kathryn B. Chval, Dean of the College of Education
Patrice Delafontaine, Dean of School of Medicine
Christopher R. Daubert, Vice Chancellor and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Kristofer Hagglund, Dean of School of Health Professions
Carolyn Henry, Interim Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine
David Kurpius, Dean of School of Journalism
Lyrissa Lidsky, Dean of School of Law
Elizabeth Loboa, Dean of College of Engineering
Judith Miller, Dean of School of Nursing
Pat Okker, Interim Dean of College of Arts and Science
James S. Rikoon, Dean of College of Human Environmental Sciences
Ajay Vinzé, Dean of College of Business
Bart Wechsler, Dean of Truman School of Public Affairs
Ann Campion Riley, Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian
Jeni Hart, Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies
Leona Rubin, Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Studies
Jim Spain, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Alex Howe, President, Graduate Professional Council
Chrissy Kintner, Chair, MU Staff Advisory Council
William Wiebold, Chair, MU Faculty Council
Nathan Willett, President, Missouri Students Association