Updated April 28, 2020, 4:40 p.m.
Based on the current models, when do you expect Columbia’s COVID-19 cases to peak, and how soon can we return to normalcy?
Current models predict Columbia’s COVID-19 peak in early May. We will want to continue practicing preventative behaviors such as social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing for a few weeks after the peak.
MU leaders are beginning work to prepare the campus in a way that all employees could return safely. Any return will likely be done in phases and will include additional precautionary guidelines to ensure we keep the campus as safe as possible.
What can the community do to support health care workers during this time?
Visit MUHealth.org/coronavirus/give for information on ways to help.
Has MU Health Care provided expanded telehealth services to rural Missouri during this virus period? Yes. Many visits are being moved to virtual visits. For more information, visit MU Health Care’s website.
This switch to online has been really hard for me and many other students. How are you supporting students’ mental health at this time?
The university has a number of resources available whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or isolated, or simply looking to be proactive about staying engaged and healthy. Students can visit the Student Health and Well-Being website for information about the Counseling Center and the Wellness Resource Center, which is offering online workshops on mindfulness and yoga classes. Additionally, mental health support is available to faculty and staff and their families) through the Employee Assistance Program.