Student-designed sweatshirt available now in the Mizzou Store

A photo of President Choi holding a gray sweatshirt that says University of Missouri.
President Choi holds the sweatshirt designed by TAM students.

Visit the Mizzou Store today and check out a limited-edition Champion brand sweatshirt designed by students in MU’s Department of Textile and Apparel Management (TAM).

Throughout the semester, eight TAM student teams created retro-inspired Mizzou clothing for the Champion College Vault Collection Competition. Three students ­– AJ Hayes, Raven Smith and Joey White – had their work selected by Champion for mass production.

All students in the class collaborated with representatives from Champion and the Mizzou Store, providing an inside look at the design industry. Their work will be sold in the Mizzou Store this fall, but you can get an early preview of the sweatshirt right now (while they last).

Hands-on learning takes many forms at Mizzou, but it starts with student creativity and great industry partners like Champion.

— Mun